The catering industry in Hong Kong has over 240,000 labour force. According to the Survey conducted by the Occupational Safety and Health Council on the occupational safety and health conditions in Chinese restaurants, nearly half (48.5%) of kitchen staff1 and 28.1% of floor staff in Chinese restaurants smoked regularly2. To protect the health of catering employees and the public, Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health (COSH), with full support of different industry associations, organizes the “Smoke-free Catering Force” programme with the aims to encourage smokers in the industry to kick the habit and boost the participation of the industry in promoting smoke-free messages to their employees, customers, the general public and other stakeholders. For more information about the “Smoke-free Catering Force” programme, please visit

To encourage the catering industry to spread smoke-free messages and encourage smoking cessation among the employees, COSH introduces a certificate of “Premier Smoke-free Restaurant” to award the restaurants that demonstrate commitment to promoting smoke-free culture. COSH will provide health talks, smoking cessation service referrals and marketing collaterals to assist restaurants and companies of the industry in implementing the smoke-free measures.

All restaurants and companies of the catering industry are welcomed to join the Smoke-free Catering Force and become a “Premier Smoke-free Restaurant”. Outstanding participants will be commemorated as “Top Premier Smoke-free Restaurants” and “Top Premier Smoke-free Outdoor Restaurants” at the Award Presentation Ceremony.

How to apply:
Interested restaurants and companies can apply online or fill in the application form and submit to COSH by email, fax or mail.

Open for application: 1 October 2017
Application deadline: 29 December 2017

"Smoke-free Cooking Contest" encourages smoking cessation via yummy dishes

Collaborating with Hong Kong Commercial Broadcasting Co.,Ltd., COSH organizes the “Smoke-free Cooking Contest” aiming to encourage the general public to support the Smoke-free Catering Force and motivate their family and friends to kick the smoking habit by sharing a healthy menu with the cost of a pack of cigarettes (around HK$60).The cooking contest will commence in late October 2017. Stay tuned!

1(2000) Survey on Occupational Safety and Health Conditions of Kitchen Work in Chinese Restaurants, Occupational Safety and Health Council
2 (2002) Survey on Occupational Safety and Health Issues among Floor Staff of Chinese Restaurants, Occupational Safety and Health Council

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