Health promotion authorities in Shanghai released an additional 25 tips regarding a healthy lifestyle on Thursday.
These tips, which cover topics such as diet, sport, tobacco and alcohol control, and epidemic prevention and control, were selected from a shortlist of 35 following a poll of more than 100,000 residents over the past two months.
This is the first time that Shanghai has solicited and published public opinions on healthy lifestyles.
The tips include recommendations to reduce the consumption of sugary drinks regularly and having a light diet to enjoy the natural flavor of food.
The tips also encourage residents to exercise more, undergo physical check-ups annually, have a regular schedule for work and rest, and refrain from using smartphones too much in bed for a better sleeping quality.
Cui Song, a doctor of cardiovascular diseases from Shuguang Hospital in Shanghai, said that staying up late creates potential hazards for the body.
"We have suggested that individuals keep smartphones out of their reach after they go to bed," he said.
Some habits that have been formed among the public since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic last year were also included in the tips related to long-term personal hygiene practices. These tips include wearing masks and maintaining social distancing at public venues, washing hands thoroughly, and using serving spoons when people have meals together.

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