Big news is coming from the Food and Drug Administration as they continue their fight against tobacco use.

The goal is to keep all tobacco products out of the hands of kids, so the FDA is expanding a smokeless tobacco prevention campaign.

"The Real Cost" program will now be spread across 20 states.

It started back in 2016 in just 35 rural markets, but now it has the potential to reach 3 million young people.

"Smokeless tobacco can cause gum disease. Smokeless tobacco can cause tooth loss. Smokeless tobacco can cause cancer, whether it's mouth cancer or throat cancer," explained Mitch Zeller, Director of the FDA's Center for Tobacco Products. "Every year more then 2,000 of new cancer are diagnosed in the United States solely caused by smokeless tobacco use." 

The ad campaign will run on digital platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Hulu.

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