Photo shows the Inaugural Ceremony

Photo shows guest arriving for the Inaugural Ceremony

Photo shows Dr Margaret Chan, Director General of the World Health Organization

Photo shows the Closing Ceremony.

The 16th World Conference on Tobacco or Health (WCTOH) was held from 17 to 21 March 2015 in Abu Dhabi, the capital city of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The Conference is a call for a collective resolution to fight tobacco by working together and integrating tobacco control into two broad agendas for achievement of our common health and development goals.

The Conference theme of “Tobacco and Non-Communicable Diseases” highlights the fact that tobacco use is the most alarming risk factor for diseases causing millions of deaths every year and contributing to the enormous burden of NCDs all over the world. H 2012 in Singapore, but many challenges remain.

The Conference format included panel discussions, symposia, posters, workshops and post-graduate courses on the many aspects of the tobacco epidemic and will highlight the efforts being made to control it through the WHO FCTC and MPOWER. Tracks on "New Emerging Products and Challenges, the Post-2015 Development Agenda, the SupThrough the implementation of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) and MPOWER, considerable progress has been made since the WCTOply and Demand Side of the Tobacco Industry and the Globalisation of Tobacco Industry Interference" gave all participants the opportunity to discuss the current situation and came up with proposals on how to accelerate tobacco control in all countries.

Photo shows Guihua Xu(the executive vice president and deputy secretaries general of Chinese Association
on tobacco control and prevention (CATC)) and Michael Bloomberg(The mayor of New York)

Guihua Xu(the executive vice president and deputy secretaries general of Chinese Association on tobacco control and prevention (CATC)),  Na Zhao (office director of CATC). Yunan Xu (research officer of CATC), Chao Fan(network director of CATC), Mengxi Zhong(media director of CATC) participated the meeting. During the meeting, we positively communicated with tobacco experts from all of the worlds and shared our tobacco experience. Guihua Xu said: We meet great challenge in tobacco control of China and we have stood a crucial turning point. Regulation on Tobacco Free in Pubic places of Beijing will be promulgated in 1th June this year. It will be a historically important moment in the Chinese tobacco control history and a new beginning. 

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