The announcement for the 11
th APACT Conference

Dear Sir/Madam,


We, the 11th APACT Organizing Committee, are writing to welcome you to attend the the 11th Asia-pacific Conference on Tobacco or Health to be held at October 17-19, 2015 in Beijing, China.

The APACT conference is the premier tobacco control conference for the Asia Pacific, aiming to encourage tobacco control and public health advocates, researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and especially youth leaders, to share experiences and discuss strategies for implementation of the FCTC. At the World Conference in Singapore in 2012, China was chosen as the location for the 11th APACT Conference and since then considerable planning has been done to ensure a very productive Conference. It is expected that more than 700 tobacco experts will attend the conference

Information for the conference is as below for your reference:

 ITheme: Eradicate Tobacco Caused Hazards; Protect the Right to Live Healthy

II. Date: October 17-19, 2015

III. Venue: Beijing International Convention Center, No.8 Beichen Dong Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing P. R. China 100101

IV. The conference agenda:

Please note: the agenda is subject to change. Please check the website regularly for the latest agenda:




Oct. 17, 2015

Registration Pre-conference workshops

Oct. 18, 2015

Opening Ceremony Plenary Lecture

Concurrent symposium

Oct. 19, 2015

Concurrent symposium

Plenary Lecture Closing Ceremony


 V. Conference registration:


Earlybird registration up to June 30, 2015

Standard registration up to September 1st, 2015

Late/onsite registration on or after Earlybird registration up to September 1st, 2015


USD 300

USD 400

USD 500


 Detailed registration information please see the website:


VI. Abstracts submission: Abstract submission will be open from December 2014 to May 31st 2015. All abstracts need to be submitted online:

1. Please clearly choose your abstract topic when submitting. The main topics includes:

² Surveillance: Monitoring the tobacco epidemic and policy

² Protect people from tobacco smoke (smoke-free environment, non-smoking legislation, policy)

² Offer help to quit tobacco use

² Warn about the dangers of tobacco; Enforce bans on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship

² Price and tax of Tobacco

² Tobacco control and cardiovascular disease

² Tobacco control and cancer & pulmonary disease

² Tobacco control among youth

² Health industry and tobacco substitutes

² Interference from Tobacco industry

² Health communication strategies

² Tobacco and health

2. Requirement:

(1) All the abstracts should be submitted on-line.

 (2) The abstract must be submitted in English.

(3) Please ensure careful preparation.

(4) The author’s SURNAME must be in capital letters.

 (5) The abstract must be a maximum of 350 words

(6) Grant acknowledgement should be placed at the end of the abstract

(7) References are not normally required

(8) DO NOT add in any text formatting

(9) Abbreviations should only be used for common terms. For uncommon terms the abbreviation should be given in brackets after the first full use of the word


Should you have any questions or further information needed, please contact Mr. LIU Gaijie and Ms Mengxi Zhong:

Tel: (8610)64983905

Fax: (8610)64983805



Thank you and looking forward to seeing you at the conference!



Chinese Association on Tobacco Control

The 11th APACT Organizing Committee

Chinese Association on Tobacco Control Copyright © 1992-2011
  906-907 Anhuidongli, Chaoyang District Beijing 100101

Tel: (8610)64983905  Fax: (8610)64983805     Email: