1997 successfully held 10th world conference on tobacco control

attending international conferences

Jointly sponsor project exchange and training on smoking control with Berkeley college of public health of California university

Training contents:  the practice and experience of smoking control , the system of Public health,  community and health promotion
Training trainees: the professional staffs from national parts including  the department of medical administrative, the system of CDC,  health and education, the headmasters of primary and middle schools, association on tobacco control
communication on smoking control with Taiwan Dongshi Foundation in our association

holding the activities of academic communication on national tobacco control

we have successfully held thirteen times national symposium on tobacco control and supplied a platform of communication for the professions and workers.
Compiling abstracts

actively propaganda" framework convention on tobacco control”
" framework convention on tobacco control” entry into force in china
On August 28, 2005, the 17th conference of 10th session of Standing Committee of the National People's Congress gave approval "Framework convention on Tobacco Control". On October 11, 2005, China submitted the instrument of ratification " Framework convention on Tobacco Control " to the United Nations.
On October 13, 2005, the GOC held initiation ceremony for implement " Framework convention on Tobacco Control " .
On January 8th, 2006, " convention " became effective in China.



Chinese Association on Tobacco Control Copyright © 1992-2011
  906-907 Anhuidongli, Chaoyang District Beijing 100101

Tel: (8610)64983905  Fax: (8610)64983805     Email: apact2015@catcprc.org.cn